Thursday, September 1, 2011

Last Summer Assignment: (All Students)

We're one long weekend away from the start of the school year...yes, it's true. Two things I would like you to do for the last assignment. `

1. Find and newspaper or magazine it and write a brief 5-7 sentence summary on the blog about it. Stick to what you learned as a younger student when writing about the article: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How - you learned the 5W's in 1st grade...their value has not diminished. If your paragraph does not answer those questions - then you're paragraph is not complete. I want the top of your paragraph to include the title of the article and the author.

2. Bring the article in to class on our first day, September 6th. Good luck and have a great LABOR DAY WEEKEND!!



  1. Hi Mr.Vergara its one of your favorite students or at one of your favortie students....well its one of your students.I am so sorry for not posting AT ALL this summer I was so busy with sleepaway camp and then VBS(vacation bible school) at my church and then my friends moving to North Carolina and other stuff I bet you dont care about anyway the assignment that you just posted will be compelted in the morning when I take the newspaper from my grandparents house.See I dont get the paper at my house so I go to my grandparents house instead. Anyway I guess this is goodbye until next week so ummm see ya in school.
    P.S my typing and writing has kinda gotton better or worse i really dont know but hopefully I can get some help with that.
    Mya Washington aka your WORST writer ever

  2. Don't be so hard on yourself Ms. Washington...I enjoyed all of your excuses though. Lets just say it'll be in your best interest to get as many of these assignments done as possible before Tuesday. 8th grade will be much more challenging than 7th (especially early one because I know everyone in the 8th grade and you know our routines) I hope you had a great summer, sorry to hear about your friends moving - but now get to work :)

  3. I found a really interesting article in this magazine. Its actually a pretty scary article. It says that Calcium(which we take in every day) Is actually bad for you. The magazine says that for every 3 fractures it prevents Calcium can cause 6 heart attacks or strokes. People found that taking calcium pills increases your risk of heart attack by 22 percent which is amazing. To keep from getting a heart attack and still keeping your bones healthy you should do a lot of weight bearing exercises and eat plenty of low fat dairy. The best way to get Calcium is through food.

    -Adam V

  4. My article is about one of the big topics that everyone is talking about in the world. You can find it in the Journal News and right on the front page it says "Couple 'feels great' to wed": Yonkers men marry in White Plains' first same gender ceremony, by Richard Liebson. This article is about two men named Micheal Lehning and Dennis Chorpenning that were soul-mates since they where in their twenties, but couldn't legally be married to each other. Though when they heard on television that gay marriage is now legal they were ecstatic to start a new life together. So on August 17,2011 they became the first gay couple to be married in White Plains. The couple wanted to be married in Weschester because this is there home and it was important to them to get married near where they live. Both men met on a blind date in Manhattan and when they first met each other they knew it was love at first sight. They also had met by marching for gay rights demonstrations and made as much contributions they can to gay causes. Now Mr.Lehning and Chorpenning are living happily together and receiving a lot of support from everyone on their decision.

    ~ Vani Nair

  5. I found an interesting article backing up a trend that is slowly creeping up on Americans in their diet. Juiced vegetables help you get your full serving of vitamins in a single glass, that are normally destroyed when cooked. Yes, this also means that V8 was always right, although I'd prefer fresh juice instead of pasturized. It also said that juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, dietbetes, and help you lose weight. This natural remedy can keep Americans from leading unhealthy lives, and stop obesity if people give it a try.

  6. Oops my article name was Get juiced, and the author was Lauren Piscopo.
    ~Jenn Vargas

  7. Steven Jobs Steps Down At Apple, Saying He Can't Meet Duties
    By: David Streitfeld
    August 24, 2011

    In California, San Francisco, Apple has released a letter by Jobs saying “I have always said that if there ever came a day when I could no longer meet my duties and expectations as Apple’s C.E.O., I would be the first to let you know, Unfortunately, that day has come.” Mr. Jobs, 56, has been on medical leave since January. He underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer in 2004, and received a liver transplant in 2009. Jobs's new position at Apple is chairman, a position that never existed before at Apple. Apple then named Tim Cook the new Chief Executive.

    ~Cristian Barriga

  8. I found an interesting article inside the kid magazine. It about a wacky houses and i found one in Mexico a big house shaped like a shark. This house is very unique because it tunnels inside very curvy rooms. It also has light that changes to pink to yellow to orange and it actually show you how it feels like to be swallowed by a shark. Though the house very expensive, one hundred thousand dollars. Though in opinion this is the coolest house I have ever seen.

  9. Oh I also forget the title is called the Worlds Wackiest House.

  10. Mr V... when the summer log says Vampire Knight series did you mean the manga?!?! Cuz there is like over 10 books -_-"
    Its enough to give ME a heart attack.

  11. Postal Service Is Nearing Default as Losses Mount
    By:Steven Greenhouse

    The US postal service is down 5.5 billion dollars and have to make their payment by the end of the month, if they do not pay they will shut down for the winter unless congress is willing to pay.They are going to have to leave 3,700 locations with no mail and laying off 120,000 workers. So far, feuding Democrats and Republicans in Congress have failed to agree on any solutions. The agency must pay by September 30 or else they will have to close down.

    I got this article online at

    Hector Cardenas

  12. From Japan With Love - An Air Conditioned Jacket!
    By: Meera Dolasia

    Japan has made a new wacky air conditioned jackets, made by Kuchofucku. These jackets come in seven different sizes, and they are available in either short or long sleeves. They come with a battery electric powered fan in the back of the jacket. These Japanese inventions are not cheap, they cost $186 and they do not come with batteries or a charger. Kuchofucku has also made air conditioned beds, cushions, and seats and they cost$271.

    Justin George

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Chile: All 21 Aboard Crashed Military Plane Died

    There was 21 people in a military plane that crashed and killed all who were aboard. It happened in Santiago, Chile during a test for landing on islands in difficult weather. The government said that the impact was so powerful that anyone aboard would have led to an instant death. Searchers and fisherman have recovered 2 women and 2 men. Now chilean reporters are talking about reconstruction for the island.

    -Sebastian Huidobro
