Wednesday, September 21, 2011

8th Grade: Assignment # 4

Research "Nat Turner" and share two facts about him. Do this in the same fashion as last year. The first person to post will start with 1,2....the next person will then begin with 3,4, etc. Please carefully read the posts prior to your own posting so that we may avoid repeating information.

Due Date: Monday Sept. 26th


  1. 1)Nat Turner was born in Southampton, Virginia on 2nd October, 1800.

    2)In February of that year an eclipse of the sun convinced Turner that this was a supernatural sign from God to start an insurrection.

  2. 1. Nat turners master's son taught him to read, and over the years he became really religious and served as preacher for the slaves in his area.

    2. Nat turner was an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, (saying the obvious stuff first :D )

    Jason Buret
    period 4-5

  3. 1. Born October 2, 1800
    2. American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia
    Chelsea Garvey

  4. 1. Nat Turner was born on October 2, 1800, in Southampton County, Virginia

    2. Nat Turner was an American slave who led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21
    Timothy Huynh
    period 1-2

  5. 9) Nat Turner experienced visions that he said were messages from God.

    10) At age 22, he ran away from his owner.

    Heather Rubin
    Period 7-8

  6. uh...8?
    8: Nat Turner's Slave rebellion led to over 100 deaths both whites , and blacks.

    9: His death was caused by an execution for leading a rebillion over slavery.

  7. 1. Nat Turner was born on october 2, 1800, in southhampton county, virginia.

    2. Nat Turner was a slave who led a slave rebellion in virginia.

    period 1-2

    jose alicea

  8. 1. In 1821, Turner ran away from his overseer, returning after thirty days because of a vision in which the Spirit had told him to "return to the service of my earthly master."
    2. On May 12, 1828, Turner had his third vision: "I heard a loud noise in the heavens, and the Spirit instantly appeared to me and said the Serpent was loosened, and Christ had laid down the yoke he had borne for the sins of men, and that I should take it on and fight against the Serpent, for the time was fast approaching when the first should be last and the last should be first... And by signs in the heavens that it would make known to me when I should commence the great work, and until the first sign appeared I should conceal it from the knowledge of men; and on the appearance of the sign... I should arise and prepare myself and slay my enemies with their own weapons." (This is what he actually said.)

    Emily Santos
    Period 4-5 =]

  9. 3. August 21, Turner and six of his men met in the woods to eat a dinner and make their plans. At 2:00 that morning, they set out to the Travis household, where they killed the entire family as they were sleeping. They were there first victims.

    4.Nat Turner hid in many different places near the Travis farm. On October 30 he was discovered and captured.

    -Bianca Arellano
    Period 4-5

  10. 3. August 21, Turner and six of his men met in the woods to eat a dinner and make their plans. At 2:00 that morning, they went to the Travis household, where they killed the entire family as they were sleeping.They were the first victims.

    2. Nat Turner hid in many different places near the Travis farm, but on October 30 was finally found and captured.

    -Bianca Arellano
    Period 4-5:)

  11. 11.) Nat Turner was a black slave preacher and felt that God had called on him to lead his people out of slavery.

    12.) His master's son taught him how to read, and over the years he became fanatically religious and served as a preacher for the slaves in the area. Some of his people from his group began to call him "the Prophet."

    ~ Vani Nair
    * Period 7-8

  12. 17) Heard voices and believed that God told him to rebel against the slave holders.

    18) To my knowledge was sentenced to death for his crime.

    ~Cristian Barriga
    Period 7-8

  13. 19. At birth, Turner's master recorded only his given name, Nat, although he may have had a last name within the slave community.
    20. He learned to read and write at a young age.

    sebastian bedoya per 7

  14. 1.) His master's son taught him how to read, and over the years he became fanatically religious and was a preacher for the slaves in the area. Some of his people from his group began to call him "the Prophet".

    2.) Nat Turner was a Black Slave preacher that felt that God had called on him to lead his people out of slavery.

    ~ Vani Nair
    * Period 7-8

  15. 11.) Nat Turner was a black slave preacher that felt that God had called on him to lead his people out of slavery.

    12.) His master's son taught him how to read, and over the years he became fanatically religious and served as preacher for the slaves in the area. Some of his people from his group began to call him "the Prophet."

    ~ Vani Nair
    * Period 7-8

  16. 1. On August 21, 1831, Nat Turner led four other slaves, Henry, Hark, Nelson and Sam, on a murderous spree, killing men, women and children.

    2. Turner learned to read and write at a young age.

    -Miranda Machado
    periods 7 & 8

  17. 1.The Richmond Constitutional Whig reported later that Turner married a young slave woman. 2.Sometime in 1825,while working in the fields,Turner got his first vision. Dezere Watkins period 1-2

  18. 17.He was born on the Virginia plantation of Benjamin Turner, who allowed him to be instructed in reading, writing, and religion.

    18.Nat was often seen praying, or captivated in reading the stories of the Bible. He frequently experienced visions which he interpreted as messages from God. These visions greatly influenced his life.

    -Maria Camila Puerta
    -Period 4-5

  19. 17. He was born on the Virginia plantation of Benjamin Turner, who allowed him to be instructed in reading, writing, and religion.

    18. Nat was often seen praying, or captivated in reading the stories of the Bible. He frequently experienced visions which he interpreted as messages from God. These visions greatly influenced his life.

    -Maria Camila Puerta
    -Period 4-5

  20. 1. Nat Turner was born October 2 1800.
    2. In 1821, Turner ran away from his overseer, returning after thirty days because of a vision in which the Spirit had told him to "return to the service of my earthly master."

    Brianna Nunez.
    Period 1 & 2.

  21. 1. Nat Turner learned to read and write at a young age.

    2. On August 21, 1831, he led four other slaves, Henry, Hark, Nelson and Sam, on a murderous spree killing men, women and children.

    -Miranda Machado
    Periods 7 & 8

  22. 1. Nat Turner's grandmother and mother were brought from Africa to America to serve as slaves. They both had deep hatred against slavery. Turner grew up with the same view of slavery as his mother. He had grown up with deep religious beliefs, which gradually made him believe that God had chosen him to lead his people out of slavery.

    2.Turner was the leader of the Southampton Insurrection. (1831)

    Sarin S. Itty
    Period 7-8

  23. 17. In 1821, Turner ran away from his overseer, returning after thirty days because of a vision in which the Spirit had told him to "return to the service of my earthly master." The next year, following the death of his master, Samuel Turner, Nat was sold to Thomas Moore. Three years later, Nat Turner had another vision. He saw lights in the sky and prayed to find out what they meant. Then "... while laboring in the field, I discovered drops of blood on the corn, as though it were dew from heaven, and I communicated it to many, both white and black, in the neighborhood; and then I found on the leaves in the woods hieroglyphic characters and numbers, with the forms of men in different attitudes, portrayed in blood, and representing the figures I had seen before in the heavens."

    18. Nat turner led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, 1831.

    ~Neasha Shuler~
    Period 4-5

  24. 1.The Richmond Constitutional Whig later reported that turner married a young slave women. 2.May 12,1828, turner experienced his most epochal vision to date. Dezere Watkins. Period 1-2

  25. 1. Born October 2, 1800
    2. led a slave rebellion in Virginia on August 21, 1831

  26. 47. Nat Tuner was born in October 2, 1800, and died on November 11, 1831.
    48. Nat Tuner was sentenced to death for killing all those slveholders and their children. The result of killing was 60 whites and at least 100 black deaths. Turner was hated all around the world and people wanted to kill him, himself. Nat Turner will never be forgotten.

    Samantha Mendez 
