Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ENG 7 & 8 - Assignment # 5

Assignment: Lets synthesize two areas of our English class.  Choose FIVE words from Units 16 & 17 and write a sentence for each about your research project.  You may have to be a little creative, but I have faith in you. Good luck.

Due Date: Friday April 29th @ 7:30AM

Thursday, April 21, 2011

English 7 & 8: Assignment # 4

Write a compound sentence for 5 words in Unit 17. Do not copy from the book or from one another please!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Assignment # 3 - 8th Grade

Assignment: Name three "interesting" things about your person or topic that you learned while researching that you didn't know about before.  Why were they interesting to you? (This should be a brief 4-5 sentence paragraph).

Assignment #3 - 7th Grade

List 3 challenges the person you're researching had to overcome.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment # 2

Report cards will be going home soon.   Email me what you think your grade will be for the 3rd quarter and a short explanation on why you think you earned this grade.  Keep in mind that your grade is made up of all of your quizzes, tests, class participation, homework, ELA, and writing/grammar. 

REMINDER:  Do not post this to the this directly to


Friday, April 8, 2011

4th Quarter: Assignment # 1

Task:   Write a brief 2-3 sentence summary of the person(s) you have been assigned to research in English class. Please write this using your own words and not just the words you are THINKING of copying and pasting from the website.

This assignment is due Monday, April 11 @ 7:30 AM

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Assignment # 19

The Task: Scroll down to the bottom of our blog and read the satirical cartoon.  Email me what you think the cartoonist is trying to say.  DO NOT POST IT TO THE BLOG.....Email it to me at

This assignment is due Friday @ 7:30AM.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Assignment # 18

Assignment: Define the word "satire" and then give at least one example of satire used in the April 1st issue of The Raider Reporter.

This assignment is due April 6th 7:30 am

Friday, April 1, 2011

Assignment # 17: The Raider Reporter

Assignment:  Read the latest edition of The Raider Reporter.  When you're done, choose one of the articles and write a brief (6-8) summary of your thoughts.

This is due Monday 7:30 AM