Friday, August 26, 2011

Assignment # 7 (ALL STUDENTS)

Well boys and girls, this could be an interesting weekend...with Hurricane Irene creeping up the coast (personification - lol). This assignment will therefore be a topical one...not not tropical. Topical infers something that is current with what is happening right now....

THE TASK: Write a brief paragraph (8-10) sentences detailing some of the things you and your family are doing to prepare for the storm. If you're going to be contrary and say that you're not doing "anything" for the hurricane then write a longer paragraph (15-20) sentences about the economic status of our country right now in 2012. Please list at least 3 causes for our recession and 3 ways our current administration can help us get out of it.*

Good luck...

* Just kidding

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Assignment # 6 (All Students)

I've decided to throw a softball up to the plate (metaphor) with this assignment.

THE TASK: All you have to do is ask me ONE question that you have about the upcoming school year. The only requirement is that it cannot be a repeat of someone else's question. Once I read your question, I will try to answer to the best of my ability. (Editor's Note) FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CANNOT BLOG AND ARE EMAILING ME THE QUESTIONS - PLEASE BE PATIENT IN WAITING FOR MY RESPONSE - I DO PLAN ON BEING IN MY CLASSROOM THIS WEEK TO CHECK MY SCHOOL EMAIL)

Example: Mr. Vergara, will the work we did on your blog REALLY count towards our 1st quarter grade?

(Yes, it's that easy. I look forward to sharing these questions at our annual "Parent Back to School Night" in September.)

BTW - The answer to the aforementioned question is "in more ways than you can ever imagine"...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Assignment # 5 (ALL Students)

Task: Write an 8-10 sentence critiquing a movie or dvd that you have recently watched. I want you to give me insightful information and thoughtful opinions - NOT a summary of the movie. I'm interested in "hearing" your voice as a writer and at your writing mechanics (spelling, grammar, vocabulary). I've provide an example for you below...


I recently watched "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps" on HBO. As this was my second viewing of the film (I saw it in the movie theater last fall), I was giving it a second chance ONLY because I loved the original movie, "Wall Street" so much. After leaving the theater upon viewing the sequel for the first time, I felt cheated and angry at director Oliver Stone for not being more creative with his film. Mr. Stone has made some of the most memorable films of the last 30 years: Platoon, the aforementioned Wall Street, Born on the 4th of July, JFK,- I could go how could he take one of the greatest movie characters of all time (Gordon Gekko) and make him so one dimensional? With that said, I sat down the other night and watched the film again...and you know what? It wasn't as bad as I remember - perhaps my expectations were lower or maybe I was just happy to have 2 hours to myself without changing diapers or watching Thomas The Tank Engine Train with my son. In any event, I suppose the main purpose of this paragraph is to remind you that sometimes you need to give things a second chance. Was this sequel a great movie? No. However, it was definitely worth a look...but if you DO want a great movie, rent the original movie - just watch it with your parents (it's Rated R).

Monday, August 1, 2011

Assingnment # 4 : Compound Sentences (ALL STUDENTS)

A compound sentence is a sentence composed of two or more more independent clauses but no subordinate clause.

Instead of writing TWO sentences such as: Today is the first day of August. It is Monday. You would write:

Today is Monday, and the first day of August.

THE TASK: Write 3 COMPOUND SENTENCES about any topic or topics you like.


1. I went to see Motley Crue in concert last weekend, and I'm going to see Whitesnake in three weeks.

2. Today I'm taking my kids to IHOP, but we have to clean the house first.

3. I spoke to Mr. Watson yesterday; we planned to get together with Mr. Fernandez before the summer is over.