Monday, April 11, 2011

Assignment # 2

Report cards will be going home soon.   Email me what you think your grade will be for the 3rd quarter and a short explanation on why you think you earned this grade.  Keep in mind that your grade is made up of all of your quizzes, tests, class participation, homework, ELA, and writing/grammar. 

REMINDER:  Do not post this to the this directly to



  1. hi Mr.Vegara it's been a long time since a wrote a post but i wanted to say that the posts that your doing here have to conclude with the English class and what you told them to do so am i able to do them or not.Also the surgery had went great and i have to stay home for 2 weeks to recover so have a great 2 weeks without me.

  2. I hate email I don't get how the thing pops out... do you place your email on it too or what?

    Cc= ?

  3. Mr.V I hope you got my email.i'm not sure somewith wrong with my cosins computer. Jamaal Q S Lindsay Jr.
