Sunday, March 13, 2011

English 8: Assignment # 12

Assignment: Write a brief paragraph (6-8 sentences) about the similarities and differences between the following women: Marin, Alicia, and Rosa Vargas.  Remember to be specific and stick to our rules for solid grammar and proper writing. 

This assignment will be due Tuesday at 12:15 pm.   Good luck...



  1. Well the differences between this 3 Marin dozen t have children like rosas she has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico.shes Louie's cousin. she dances on the streets for boys.she also might be sent away because of her behavior.Rosa Vargas is a single mother that can't keep track of her many children.Her children have a bad behavior.Alicia is a girl studying at the university to avoid her fears.

  2. These women have differences and similarities. Rosa Vargas has kids and is a single mom. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico and flirts with guys on the streets. Alicia is like the only one who might have a good future cause she goes to college. One similarity is that they are all girls. Another is that is that the grew in the same conditions.

  3. my bad if u think its ghetto

  4. There are many similarities and differences between Marin, Rosa Vargas, and Alicea. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico. Rosa Vargas has so many kids. Rosa can barely take of them. Her kids are uncontrollable and so mischievous. Alicea goes to college. She studies very hard because she doesn't want to end up with a hard life working in a factory or behind a rolling pin. Like Rosa, Alicea has nobody to go to. Rosa's husband left her and Alicea's mom died. Alicea is afraid of her father as it says at the end of the vignette Alicea Who Sees Mice. I think Marin and Alicea are around the same age. Alicea still goes to school and I think Marin and Rosa doesn't.


  5. Another difference is that Rosa has children and Marin and Alicea do not.

  6. There are many similarities and differences between Marin, Rosa Vargas, and Alicea. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico and flirts with to many guys in her neighborhood. Rosa Vargas has a lot of kids and her mother died. Alicea goes to collage and might have a good future. One similarities is that they are girls and have at least some of the same problems.

    by alex o

  7. Rosa is a very complexes character; she is the only one of the three characters that has children. Those children are her responsebilty. The problem was she could not control them. Alicea is going to collage and at this point her future is looked very bright. Marin has a confident in Puerto Rico.She also like men with allot of money.

  8. There are similarities and differences between Alicia, Marin, and Rosa. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico. She is trying to get a job, and flirts with guys that are walking down the street. Alicia goes to college and works hard so she doesn't become like her mother, who passed away. Rosa has many children who are her responsibility. Her boyfriend left without leaving any money behind. They are similar because Rosa and Alicia have something that they are focused on. Also, Rosa and Alicia do not have anyone to turn to for help. Marin just doesn't care about anything it seems.

  9. There are many similarities and differences between Rosa Vargas, Alicia, and Marin. Rosa Vargas is different because she has many kids with no husband to help her take care of them. Her kids are rude, and they don’t have any respect for themselves or other people. Rosa has no control over her kids and she allows them to do whatever they want. Marin is also different because she has a boyfriend that she is about to marry but she still talks to other guys. She wears short skirts and she is always looking for boys to talk to. She smokes outside on the front porch and she sets a bad example for Esperanza. Alicia is different because she has a great chance of having a good life because she actually goes to college and she studies to do well in school. Her mother died, which makes it very hard for her to move on and forget about the terrible, lost. Alicia and Rosa are similar because they both have nobody to go to when they need comfort or someone to lead them in the right direction. Marin and Alicia are alike because they can actually change directions before it is to late and have a good life. Lastly, one similarity that they all have is that they all grew up having the same opportunities in life and the same living conditions in life.

  10. There are some differences and similarities beween Marin, Alicia, Rosa Vargas. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico who she willl marry when she gets back. Rosa Vargas already has a lot of children and her husband left her. Rosa Vargas works by taking care of her children. Marin is working by selling Avon products and trying to find a millionaire to marry. Alicia is scared of her own father. The similarities between Alicia abd Rosa is that they dont really have someone to talk to about thir feelings. Another similarity is that they are all in non wealthy conditions.

  11. Marin is a 18 year old (my guess) hoping to get rich by mooching off her husband, if she gets one. Alicia is just a girl who sees mice and has no mother to aid her. Rosa Vargas is a single mother who has a lot of kids, and her husband left her without a trace. One thing similar to all of them is that they're all hoping for someone else to fix their problems. Marin, her imaginary husband, Alicia, a new mother, and Rosa, an imaginary husband. One difference between them all is that they are all at a different age range. Marin is naive, Alicia might be crazy, and Rosa is just plain screwed.

  12. Marin has a boyfriend in Puerto Rico. She also flirts with guys. Rosa has kids but, she is single. Alicia doesn't really have much problems with her life. Alicia is in college. I guess Alicia works hard because her mother died and she wants to be a good person in life. One thing they have in common is that they all have atleast one problem in life.

    - Amanda Chuisaca

  13. Some similarities of Alicia,Marin,and Rosa Vargas is all three of them are busy doing something in their life and not just sitting aroud.For example,Alicia is the only one out of all three that is attending college and has a future panned out.Though,Marin is busy o walking places and talking to a lot of boys,but not doing anything sophisicated.Though,Rosa Vargas has so many kids and is always occupied,ever since her husband left the family.
