Wednesday, February 23, 2011

English 7 (ALL CLASSES): Assignment # 8

Read this carefully, DO NOT POST YOUR ANSWERS to this topic.  Instead, EMAIL ME directly at

Assignment:  Edit the following paragraph.  Retype it and make the corrections.  Correct all the mistakes in BOLD and do not create any new errors, so BE CAREFUL!! Not every sentence will have an error. Good luck!

     There are many wonderful artists, musicians, and writers that I could have chosen for you to research.  However there are three people who I think are especially important for student to know about:.   Toni Morrison, Maya Angelou, and Billie Holiday.  These three women deserve a closer look, especially during "Black History Month. 
     It is my hope that you did more than just cut and paste information from a website.  True learning can only take place when a student wants to learn on his/her own and goes beyond the expectations of the teacher many people think that learning only takes place in the classroom with a teacher.  Although teachers (and parents for that matter) play an important role in the learning process - its the student who needs to shoulder the responsibility and educate themselves, too.  For example the student who decided to go and listen to music by Billie Holiday on one of the many music sites offered online is the student who will truly learn something.   Furthermore, the student who goes out and finds some of Maya or Toni's poetry or books is the one who will have a huge edge on the other students. 
   Obviously, I didn't pick the names of these ground-breaking woman out of a hat. They were chosen four a particular reason and with the intention that many of you wood take it a step further.  If you did, then I'm proud of you and more importanly, you should be proud of yourself.  If you didn't, theres still time to educate yourself...make it happen, captain!!


  1. did my message had been sent to you Mr.Vergara?

  2. My e-mail is not working can I write the mistakes on paper?
    Mya Washington

  3. My email is not working either,I will just give the mistakes to you on paper.

  4. Windows won't let me access my e-mail. It tells me that "Windows Mail no longer supports the HTTP servers that are used by Hotmail and by other Web-based e-mail providers such as AOL mail, Google mail, and Yahoo! mail." I'll make up another e-mail from MSN and try it, if not I'll bring it in on Monday. If that's o.k?
    -Maria Camila Puerta-
    -Period 1-

  5. I don't. Know what I'm suppose to do

  6. Mr.V my email just isn't working because anytime I try to send the paragraph it just erases my work. Is it okay if i hand it in on loose-leaf?
    ~ Vani Nair
    - Period 1

  7. Wait never mind! OOPS!!!!!!!!
    ~ Vani Nair
    - Period 1

  8. Julio and Dylon listened to Billie Hoilday they didnt like her music so much

    from Ms. Uricchio
