Monday, August 1, 2011

Assingnment # 4 : Compound Sentences (ALL STUDENTS)

A compound sentence is a sentence composed of two or more more independent clauses but no subordinate clause.

Instead of writing TWO sentences such as: Today is the first day of August. It is Monday. You would write:

Today is Monday, and the first day of August.

THE TASK: Write 3 COMPOUND SENTENCES about any topic or topics you like.


1. I went to see Motley Crue in concert last weekend, and I'm going to see Whitesnake in three weeks.

2. Today I'm taking my kids to IHOP, but we have to clean the house first.

3. I spoke to Mr. Watson yesterday; we planned to get together with Mr. Fernandez before the summer is over.



  1. 1) My favorite band is U2 but I also like Coldplay.

    2) Mrs.Leis gave me math homework and I needed to study for Mr.Thompson's quiz.

    3) On the Playstation 3 I either play the Mercenaries 2 or play Black ops online.

  2. 1. My brother is coming back from college on August fifteenth, but I also have the Volleyball clinic to go to on the same day.

    2. When my brother is here we are going to have a birthday barbeque for me, and a coming home party for him together in the same day.

    3. The day of my birthday we went to Red Lobster, but before we went I had to go to temple in the morning and pray.

    ~ Vani Nair

    P.S. I can't get over that photo brings back so much memories, I miss it! :(

  3. 1. A tree in my backyard split in half, so we have to cut it down.
    2. I watch Switched at Birth on ABC Family, but Ialso watch The Nine Lives of Chole King.
    3. I want to read my book, but I have to clean my room first.

  4. 1)I am going to the park today, but I have to do my chores first.

    2)I had a barbecue today, at my friend's house, and it was delicious.

    3)I went shoe shopping yesterday, and I can not wait to to wear them for school.

    Justin George

  5. Do we only do 5 questions for summer reading? Also, could we read 2 books that are not on the list?

  6. Hey Vani....

    Complete 5 questions from each book...but you should take some notes because you will be allowed to use anything you do on the assessment in September.

    You can choose books off the list, but they need to be age appropriate and something you think I would approve.

    Thanks for the questions...see ya soon....ha ha.

    Off to Dutch Wonderland tomorrow with Brody V & Sienna..and of course Mrs. Vergara.

  7. For some of my books I forgot to take notes. Does it matter, or do I need to read it over again?

  8. Jenn, you can write down some basic notes now based on what you remember...if you do not remember the main plot, characters, conflicts, and resolutions - then yes, you may want to read your books again.

    Taking notes is just a useful tool to reinforce what you're learning about (in this case, the book you're reading).

    Hope everyone is doing well....


  9. 1) My family and I went to Lake George last week, we stayed at a family friend's house.

    2)I recieved my schedule today,Im not excited about waking up early in the mornings again.

    3)We have to go to the outlets on Sunday, I have to get sneakers and jeans.

    Mr. Vergara, Can you please email me the summer reading list since i have seen to misplace it.thanks

  10. 1. The squirrel almost got run over but, the driver stopped at the last second.
    2. Bill is in debt therefore, he can't pay rent and now he's homeless.
    3. The ninja missed his target and right after, he fell in a well.

  11. 1)They finished the mission early, so Sarah and Chuck decided to reward themselves with some vacation time.

    2)It's the end of August, and school is starting soon.

    3)I have to go shopping; I need new school supplies.

    Kristine Rupnarain

  12. Lisset - just make sure you read two grade level books and we'll figure the details later. If you really want to pick a book of the list, come to school and the main office should be able to get you a copy. In fact, I would imagine it's on our website somewhere....either way - JUST READ and you can't go wrong.


  13. 1) The alarm went off in the morning, therefore I shut it off and went back to sleep.

    2) It was to cold in the room, so I turned off the A/C.

    3) My laptop shut down all by it self, but then I realized it ran out of battery.

    ~Cristian Barriga

  14. 1.My aunt had her baby girl,they named her Ella.

    2.I love Adele ,but I also enjoy listening to Taylor Swift

    3.I love Harry Potter,so my parents bought me a Harry Potter sweater for my birthday

    -Bianca Arellano =)

  15. 1) I went to Canada this summer,i came home 11 days later

    2) Hurricane Irene caused a lot of damage,especially in New York.

    3) Six Flags was fun,I can't wait to go again

    -Adam V

  16. 1. We are going to six flags, but we have to clean our house first.

    2. I like listening to Drake, but I also love listening to Eminem.

    3. In my 3ds, I love to play my games or, play with the camera.

  17. 1. I want to go to my friends house but, I have to clean my room first.

    2. I wanted to go to six flags but, we went to lake compounds instead.

    3. My brother wants to play sonic racing on the Xbox , but I want to play call of duty.

    -Hector Cardenas

  18. 1. I would have done the blogs earlier but, I had to go shopping.

    2. I would be sleeping but, I have to finish the blogs.

    3. I would be going to concerts of musicians I like, but i need money.
