Saturday, August 20, 2011

Assignment # 6 (All Students)

I've decided to throw a softball up to the plate (metaphor) with this assignment.

THE TASK: All you have to do is ask me ONE question that you have about the upcoming school year. The only requirement is that it cannot be a repeat of someone else's question. Once I read your question, I will try to answer to the best of my ability. (Editor's Note) FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO CANNOT BLOG AND ARE EMAILING ME THE QUESTIONS - PLEASE BE PATIENT IN WAITING FOR MY RESPONSE - I DO PLAN ON BEING IN MY CLASSROOM THIS WEEK TO CHECK MY SCHOOL EMAIL)

Example: Mr. Vergara, will the work we did on your blog REALLY count towards our 1st quarter grade?

(Yes, it's that easy. I look forward to sharing these questions at our annual "Parent Back to School Night" in September.)

BTW - The answer to the aforementioned question is "in more ways than you can ever imagine"...


  1. Are we going to have a vocabulary quiz of our old vocab words when we come back,to see what we remembered from the last school year?
    -Bianca Arellano

  2. Are we gonna have the same period 1 kids this year in class?

    Are you actually gonna base your material on what we learn in social studies?

    ~ Vani Nair

  3. Haha summers almost over. : / The funny thing is that I received my schedule, but I have to go get it fixed. Such a fail and it isn't just me there's other people that has there schedule wrong to.

    ~ Vani Nair

  4. 1. Bianca - 8th Graders will definitely have a vocabulary test on last year's words during the first week of school. (Great question)

    2. Vani - The schedule appears to be very different than last year (I was told we will have 80 minute periods every other day), so Period 1 will be two different groups depending on the day. However, I would imagine the bulk of the same kids who were in Period 1 will be together again in the same class...but nothing is ever set in stone. (Another great question)

  5. How often will we have assessments in class?
    - Sebastian Bedoya

  6. How will Summer Reading impact our grade?
    - Kristine Rupnarain

  7. Will the increase in homework be slight or crazy?
    ~Jenn Vargas
    P.S. My friend Ellie Satin can't publish any of her comments and wanted to post them through my account.

  8. Will there be an orientation for the 7th grade?
    -Ellie Satin (Jessica's Sister)

  9. Will the blogs we DON'T do over the summer effect our grade?

    ~Cristian Barriga

  10. 3. Bas, my plan is to have assessments as much as possible, some will be formal (quizzes, tests, etc.) while others will be more informative (this means I'm checking to see who's doing there work and who's PRETENDING to do their work).

    4. Kristine, Summer Reading will definitely be part of your 1st Marking Period "Scorecard" - do you remember those? lol. For those students who do not complete it - it'll hurt their grade quite a bit. We talked about it in class numerous times...most of the strong students are avid readers - it's quite obvious. I will continue to emphasize reading this year in our classes - albeit more non-fiction reading!!

    5. Jen, first of all, thank you for letting Ellie use your account. As far as your question about homework - I'm not 100% familiar with the homework policy in the 6th Grade...but I would imagine homework will definitely INCREASE this year. Each assignment is very important because they count towards points on your "Scorecard" which I will explain in September. Thanks for your question....

    6. Ellie, any sister of Jessica is OKAY with me. If I'm not mistaken, Jessica and Sydney introduced me to HIM and a couple of other bands. I think she even did a paper on MOTORHEAD - I could be wrong. Sydney definitely did one on MOTLEY ANYWAY, I believe the majority of what will constitute as an "Orientation" took place last June in the Hamilton auditorium. In the past, in-coming 7th graders have come to school a day early for a few hours to meet the administrators and receive their locker combinations. Hope that answered your question...see you soon!!

    7. MAN!! The blogs that are NOT completed will be noted on the bottom of your SCORECARDS and be noted on BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT, PARENT CONFERENCES, and any other parental contact. I didn't ask students to do a great deal of not finding time to do it only puts you behind the other students (and I just don't mean the ones at Alexander Hamilton - we're competing against other school districts, other states, and even other countries these days!!). See ya soon...


  11. Thanks Mr.Vergara. I'll be doing my blogs then.

  12. Will we do more journals than this year?
    -Laura G.

  13. Will we be focusing more on poetry this year?

    -Adam V

  14. Do you think we may possibly have a final this year?

    -Miranda Machado

  15. Will we be acting our summer reading like we did last year ?

  16. On the first day of class are you going to go around the room and make us talk about something we did during the summer using a vocab word?

    -Hector Cardenas

  17. Will we have a pop quiz on the first day of school.
    Justin George

  18. Are you surprised some kids did the blogs last day?

    -Sebastian Huidobro
